It’s easy to control the weight of your gilts with measuring tape

It is more important for both survival and results that your gilts have the right weight and body condition at mating than the right age. You can use a measuring tape to “weigh” your gilts – it’s both cheap and reasonably accurate.


Although the age of the gilt is an easy benchmark to aim for, it is not precise enough if you want to achieve the best litter results and high sow survival. SEGES Innovation has tested various tools, and they have established that measuring tape can be used to “weigh” your gilts.



Weight at mating is essential

The latest recommendations from SEGES Innovation are to mate your DanBred gilts at 150-165 kg and 13-15 mm backfat. However, in many herds, the gilts are mated at a much higher weight, which negatively affects litter size and sow survival.


It is important that your gilts have the right weight at mating to ensure the best production results – both short and long term. The weight of the gilt at mating is the factor with the greatest impact on good results in the first parity. Secondarily, backfat thickness matters, while age is of lesser importance.



Measuring tape is a useful tool

DanBred has developed a measuring that makes it easy to “weigh” your gilts – and thus control the weight of your gilts.


You can read the weight of the gilt directly on the measuring tape. Even without previous experience weighing gilts using measuring tape, you can achieve reasonably accurate results.



Find everything about breeding DanBred gilts in DanBred’s Feed Manual.




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