We get the pigs at 13 kg from a local DanBred sow production on Bornholm. The lower weight, of course, requires something on management, but the other farmer has limited space, so we have to help each other out. I’ve had sows and weaners before, which means I have some experience.
Now, he’s going to switch to Top Duroc-semen, which should increase the efficiency of my animals even more. I’m really excited to see this difference!
Graph 3: Feed Conversion Ratio (kg feed/kg gain)
Source: The results have been provided by Lundegaard.
Another thing is that our pigs have long tails, and because of the animals’ calm temper, we don’t experience big issues with this. Of course, you have to be alert, see the opportunities and be ready to adapt. For example, ventilation is one of the things I’m very aware of to avoid tail biting.
A final thing, I want to mention is that we weigh all pigs before sending them to the slaughterhouse – there’s no guessing here. That means we have an average of 98 % of our animals accepted for delivery to the slaughterhouse based off Danish Crown’s requirements. That’s good for my profit as well.
Generally, I get a lot of ideas, and some turn out to be good ones. I’m observant and I reflect and react to the things I notice. We’re a small production, but we can offer some things that the big ones can’t.