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« La survie est notre objectif principal ; plus nous sauvons de porcelets, mieux c’est, à la fois pour le bien-être des animaux et pour notre résultat », déclare Martin Thorgaard, chef d’élevage de Spøttrup.
PIG FACTS by Danish Pig Academy in collaboration with DanBred. With sustainability at the forefront, DanBred’s balanced breeding programme contributes to higher profitability for pig producers around the world.
DanBred has implemented sow survival in our breeding goals. Our innovative approach to breeding is groundbreaking and will contribute to more robust sows.
DanBred conducts DNA testing on all breeding animals, resulting in an increase of 30 % in genetic gain – a benefit that is available for everyone who uses DanBred genetics in their production.
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We can help you transition to DanBred genetics, technical services, transport and more. Book a time with us, and we will call you when it suits you.
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