Whistleblower policy in DanBred P/S

A 100 % anonymous and non-traceable reporting tool.



DanBred P/S provides a comprehensive and confidential whistleblower reporting tool designed to promote ethical behaviour and ensure compliance with legal and regulatory standards within the company and its affiliates. This tool is accessible globally and applies to all entities controlled directly or indirectly by DanBred P/S as well as entities that are under joint control or ownership with such an entity, regardless of geographical location. 

By providing this reporting tool, DanBred aims to foster a transparent and ethical work environment where issues can be addressed proactively and effectively.

It is our expectation that our global employees, representatives, agents, distributors etc. adhere to a high standard of business and personal ethics in the performance of their duties and responsibilities.

The whistleblower reporting tool is intended to encourage and enable customers, business partners, and employees to report possible issues, so that DanBred P/S can address and correct any inappropriate behaviour and actions. Thus, you will help us identify matters that need to be addressed and improved by reporting possible breaches of DanBred P/S’ Code of Conduct or possible breaches of the laws and regulations that apply to DanBred P/S’ operations.


Key features and processes of the reporting tool


Scope of reporting

You are strongly encouraged to act immediately when faced with non-compliance with DanBred’s policies and procedures, such as DanBred’s Code of Conduct or any other applicable law or provision.


Examples may include:

  • Financial issues: Includes fraud, financial crime, or other types of inappropriate and questionable financial practices.

  • Business practices: Covers conflicts of interest, corruption, bribery, and unethical donations or gifts.

  • Serious misconduct: Encompasses breaches of occupational safety, environmental concerns, and serious offenses against employees (e.g. discrimination, violence, or rape).

  • Harassment and abuse: Involves reports of bullying, abuse, harassment, and threats.


Reporting and anonymity

DanBred’s whistleblower reporting tool can be found here: DanBred P/S Whistleblower Policy.


  • Reports can be submitted anonymously to ensure the reporter’s protection.

  • Detailed and accurate reporting is encouraged to facilitate thorough investigations.

  • DanBred guarantees confidentiality, data security, and compliance with GDPR – with EQS Group A/S ensuring these protections. Only in cases where there is a need for an external investigation, might we be obliged to disclose your name (if we have it).

  • You must not attempt to conduct an investigation yourself to determine whether a breach has occurred.

  • It is important to avoid innocent people being suspected of something they have not done. Therefore, you need to consider very carefully whether what you intend to report is valid and correct before initiating a report.


  • The initiative is administered by and on behalf of DanBred P/S as data controller.

  • It is managed by an audit committee composed of DanBred’s CEO, an HR Partner, and an external lawyer/attorney.

  • Reports are reviewed and investigated, hereafter, findings will be reported to the Chairperson of the Board biannually or as necessary.

  • Independent external investigators may be engaged for thorough examination of reported issues.


Country-specific restrictions
  • Sweden: Reports can only target members of management.

  • Finland: Only financial matters are reportable.


Protection against retaliation
  • DanBred does not tolerate retaliation against individuals who report non-compliance, regardless of the substantiation of their claims.

  • Confidentiality is maintained unless disclosure is legally required for police or other investigations.


Data protection
  • DanBred HQ is responsible for data management, adhering to GDPR and local data protection laws.


For data protection inquiries, contact [email protected] or the Danish Data Protection Agency.

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